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General Hospital
Précédent  38x52 Suivant
03.14.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 14/03/2001
Preview:The Spencer's get together to talk about the Cassadines. Recap:Gia continued her threats against a tortured Liz. Gia was convinced that Liz would rather salvage her relationship with Lucky than be the Deception model. She demanded that Liz give her an answer by the next day or she would go straight to Lucky. Liz cried alone in her studio until Jason showed up. He immediately knew that something more than her worry about Lucky was causing her upset. Liz rebuffed his efforts to comfort her and told him she could no longer use him as an emotional crutch. Nikolas went to Jake's to confront Jason about his relationship with Liz. He warned Jason that he wouldn't stand for Jason coming between Liz and Lucky. Jason in turn warned Nikolas that he needed to keep Gia away from Liz. Nikolas was stunned to learn of Gia's meeting with Carly. He later demanded answers from her, but Gia covered and said that Carly was out to sabotage her and that Nikolas was the only person she could trust. Ro (
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