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General Hospital
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03.07.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 07/03/2001
Preview:Alan and Monica find strength in solidarity. Recap:Liz and Lucky returned from the Deception party to find Jason and Zander talking to Emily. Though Liz wanted to stay and tell Emily what happened at the party, Lucky suggested they go upstairs--away from Jason. Liz came down later and confessed to Emily that she was having second thoughts about being a model. Liz wanted to tell Lucky, but he kept talking about how all of their dreams were coming true and she couldn't bear to disappoint him. Emily worried that Jason was hurting from seeing Liz with Lucky, but Jason denied it. Zander goaded Jason about his feelings for Liz and Jason in turn, berated Zander for his stupidity. Nikolas asked Gia if she had locked Laura on the roof and he accused Gia of becoming a lot like Carly. Not willing to risk his anger, Gia lied and said that she hadn't done anything. Nikolas gifted her with a self-help book that he hoped would help her get past her personal demons. Alan found Monica pacing ar (
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