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General Hospital
Précédent  38x42 Suivant
02.28.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 28/02/2001
Preview:Monica has a dizzy spell in front of Emily. Recap:Sonny and Carly returned to Port Charles and reunited with Michael and Jason. As Carly headed for Deception, she asked Jason to walk with her. They sat in the park and recognized the positive changes in both of their lives. Carly thanked Jason for being such a good friend to her and he thanked her for the same. Alexis told Sonny that she had gone over the rudiments of testifying with Zander, but Sonny felt that wasn't enough. Sonny called Zander to the Penthouse and said that he would coach him from now on and Sonny charged Jason with keeping Zander safe until the trial. Gia continued to rant about not being the Face of Deception and used Liz's poor test shoot as an example that she was better for the job. Nikolas told Gia that Liz was raped by a photographer and he was stunned when Gia remained stuck in her own selfishness. They later ran into Carly in the park and Gia spilled the beans about Liz being the Face. Roy surprised B (
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