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General Hospital
Précédent  38x41 Suivant
02.27.01 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 27/02/2001
Preview:Carly and Sonny celebrate their new life and love. Recap:Luke was ecstatic to finally have the key to the Cassadine safety deposit box in hand. He told Felicia that he planned on going to Istanbul immediately to retrieve the Ice Princess. While Felicia knew that she couldn't go with him, she wished him success. Luke told Roy to prepare for the journey. Mac received a dressing down from the mayor who continued to berate him for using Felicia to help nab Sorel. Tired of being told how to do his job, Mac resigned. A call from Maxie prompted Felicia to find Mac and she was shocked to see him packing his belongings. While she worried that she was the cause of his career troubles, she supported his decision to leave. Liz took one last motorcycle ride with Jason. She tried to explain to him why she couldn't see him anymore, but the reasons didn't make sense even to her. Though Jason urged her not to do something she didn't want to, she maintained that in order to keep her relationship (
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