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General Hospital
Précédent  38x40 Suivant
02.26.01 - Monday
Diffusé le : 26/02/2001
Preview:Lucky observes Jason's moves on Liz. Recap:Sonny and Carly stood before the priest in Martinique and exchanged their vows in a beautiful ceremony. Carly marvelled at how different it felt to have been married in a church with God present. Sonny said it was different for him too and pledged that his commitment to Carly was sacred and binding. Lucky was furious as he watched Jason giving Liz pool lessons after Liz had promised him she would stay away from Jason. He confronted the duo and demanded that Liz leave with him at once. Though Liz understood his anger, she didn't think he was being fair and refused to leave with him. Feeling betrayed, Lucky left her with Jason. At Kelly's Lucky poured his heart out to a sympathetic Emily just as Liz was having a similar talk with Jason. Amy convinced Laura that she had made the right choice in making Liz the Face of Deception without Carly's input. As Luke and Felicia were in the midst of breaking into Helena's bedroom safe, Helena walke (
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