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General Hospital
Précédent  38x39 Suivant
02.23.01 - Friday
Diffusé le : 23/02/2001
Preview:Nikolas is infuriated by Laura's decision. Recap: Jason visited Lila at the mansion and she was overjoyed to see him. Monica interrupted their visit and beseeched Jason to talk to Emily about moving home. Jason assured her that Emily would know that the family loved her and would make smart decisions. When Alan came in and accused Jason of being a bad influence, Jason left. Alan lamented to Monica that the son they once knew and loved was gone and would never return. Gia told Nikolas that since she wasn't the Face of Deception, there was no longer a reason for her to stay in Port Charles. Upset over her decision and Laura's, Nikolas went to see his mother. He yelled at Laura and told her that her decision to make Liz the Face was a bad one and that Gia was the right model for the job. While she was disconcerted by his anger, Laura stood firm in her decision. Meanwhile, Lucky went to the cottage thinking to give Nikolas and Gia the news, but Gia confirmed that she already knew. (
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