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General Hospital
Précédent  38x37 Suivant
02.21.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 21/02/2001
Preview:Nikolas declare's war on the Cassadines. Recap:Luke visited Gail at the hospital to ask her if she thought Lucky was completely de-programmed. Gail assured Luke that even if Lucky's programming was still there, he was much better and she didn't see the need to continue his treatment. Luke ran into Felicia in the park and was surprised when she asked him to go to Winterfest with her. While Luke was reluctant to go, he eventually gave in when he saw how much it meant to her. Felicia asked Maxie if she would be averse to the notion of Luke and Felicia dating. While Maxie admitted that she hoped Mac and Felicia would get back together, she said she wanted her mother to be happy. She also realized that she would be closer to Lucky. When Lucky came into Kelly's, Maxie asked for his opinion on their parents dating. Lucky told her he didn't have a problem with it as long as nobody got hurt. He offered Maxie his friendship and told her to think of him as a big brother. Nikolas called a (
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