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General Hospital
Précédent  38x36 Suivant
02.20.01 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 20/02/2001
Preview:Emily attempts to reconnect with her family. Recap: Carly tried again to make Sonny see the foolishness of a divorce, but Sonny was determined to end things between them. He reminded Carly of how hellish it was for him when Lily and the baby died in the explosion. While she understood his pain and fear, she didn't think it was worth ending their marriage over. To that end, she boarded a plane to Martinique, the island where she and Sonny were supposed to get remarried. Laura was overwhelmed by how much work needed to be done for Deception. She tried to get in touch with Carly for help, but Carly was too involved with her personal life to think about work. Amy suggested that Laura use her authority to make decisions and choose a Face of Deception without Carly's input. Jason and Lucky went toe to toe again, with Lucky verbally abusing Jason. Liz tried to hide her disapproval, but Lucky sensed it. He apologized to her for always fighting with Jason, but suggested that if she stop (
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