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General Hospital
Précédent  38x35 Suivant
02.19.01 - Monday
Diffusé le : 19/02/2001
Preview:Lucky confronts Jason. Recap: Luke and Felicia stole aboard Helena's yacht and rifled through one of her safes. They found cash--which Luke pocketed--Helena's stiletto and some legal documents, but no key. As they prepared to try the other safes, Helena and Stefan came in. Luke and Felicia ducked out of sight as mother and son spoke. Stefan accused Helena of using her mind control over Lucky as a test case for Nikolas. He claimed that she wanted to use mind control to make Nikolas do whatever she wanted. Helena called him delusional, but when he left, she told Andreas she needed him to calm her down. Felicia and Luke continued their pursuit of the key. Liz and Emily found Jason and Lucky engaged in a fierce confrontation. Liz came between them and told Lucky that nothing was going on with her and Jason. She managed to drag him back to Kelly's before things got out of hand. Once they were alone, they made up but Lucky made Liz promise that there would be no more lies and secrets (
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