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General Hospital
Précédent  38x34 Suivant
02.16.01 - Friday
Diffusé le : 16/02/2001
Preview:Sonny makes his enemies pay for their sins against him. Recap: Felicia and Luke prepared to get the key to the vault in Istanbul from Helena's yacht. Luke wanted to use the Darius Cassadine disguise, but Felicia convinced him that Helena would see right through that. He agreed to do it her way, which was to simply break into the yacht and take the key. Lucky reeled from Liz's confession that she knew Jason was in town and hid the information from him. She tried to make him understand the situation, but Lucky only heard that she hadn't told him the truth. He went to Nikolas for advice and was stunned when Nikolas revealed how deep Liz's ties to Jason were. Lucky confronted Jason on the docks and told him to stay away from Liz. Bobbie and Roy celebrated the realization that they had come to a turning point in their relationship. They were determined to be truthful and honest with each other and not let anything come between them. In Chicago, Melissa received a letter from GH off (
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