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General Hospital
Précédent  38x31 Suivant
02.13.01 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 13/02/2001
Preview:Hannah has a mandate for A.J. Recap: Valentine's Day reigned in Port Charles. Laura was surprised by a Valentine's Day gift from Scott. A.J. brought in presents and treats for Hannah. Both Jason and Lucky had presents for Liz and even Carly was wanted to think less about Sorel and more about the day of love! Hannah couldn't hide how pleased she was by A.J.'s thoughtfulness and Felicia was impressed and amused by the gift. Taggert simmered nearby watching the pleasant exchange. Roy returned from Chicago to be met by a concerned Bobbie. She wondered what had happened that he ending up spending the night in Chicago. Roy opened up to Bobbie for the first time and his honesty led her to forgive him. The two re-cemented their bond by making love. Sorel met with the traitor inside of Sonny's camp. It was Sonny's bodyguard Rick! He informed Sorel that he had been assigned to stay with Carly. Deciding that was only a minor change, Sorel went through with his plans to eliminate Sonny. L (
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