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General Hospital
Précédent  38x29 Suivant
02.09.01 - Friday
Diffusé le : 09/02/2001
Preview:Another attempt is made on Sonny's life. Recap:Felicia and Mac were proud of the way they trapped and arrested Sonny's shooter. Mac was certain that the mayor was not going to accept the good police work, but Dara informed them that the mayor intended to hold a press conference congratulating Mac. Roy managed to make Bobbie understand why he needed to see Melissa. Though she still didn't want him to go, she gave him her support and told him she would be waiting for him when he got back. In Chicago, Roy flashed back to the day he betrayed Melissa. He almost didn't knock on her door, but finally did and came face to face with her. Stefan begged for Nikolas's forgiveness and asked Nikolas to look past his bitterness and remember their past relationship. Nikolas declared that the uncle he knew was dead and he wanted no part of who Stefan was. Stefan went to Laura and demanded that she help him protect Nikolas from Helena. Nikolas and Gia came in and overheard his uncle's tirade. Em (
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