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General Hospital
Précédent  38x24 Suivant
02.02.01 - Friday
Diffusé le : 02/02/2001
Preview: Carly has a special job for Lucky. Recap: Edward tried to bribe Tammy into letting him rent the room at Kelly's so that Emily wouldn't be able to. Tammy refused to let him do it and told Emily the room was hers if she wanted it. A devastated Edward wanted Emily to reconsider her decision, but Emily was ready to flex her independent wings. Edward left and though Lucky supported Emily, he wanted to make sure she knew what she was doing. Emily was convinced that she was making the right move. Alexis asked Sonny if he would bail Zander out again and Sonny agreed. They went to the police station to get Zander released and were surprised when Mac forced Zander to wear an ankle monitor. Sonny later demanded answers from Zander about why he fled. Zander explained that Emily needed him and Sonny understood that and said that he respected that Zander came back. He warned Zander to never betray his trust again. Zander went looking for Emily and she ran into his arms on the docks. Bobbie (
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