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General Hospital
Précédent  38x23 Suivant
02.01.01 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 01/02/2001
Preview: Luke runs into trouble at the Turkish bank. Recap: Luke convinced the bank manager to leave him alone in the vault and he used all of his illegal tools to try and break into the safety deposit box. When none of his lock picking tricks worked, he tried to blow the box open which set off a loud alarm. He told the manager that the bank's security was horrible and he was taking the box with him. The manager wouldn't allow it and Luke had to leave without getting inside the box. Nikolas apologized to Liz for Gia's behavior over the Deception campaign. Liz was confused as to why Nikolas felt it necessary to defend Gia. He pledged his friendship to Liz and said that he didn't want the campaign to come between them. Mac was happy to run into Laura outside of Kelly's and bought her yellow roses as a gesture of friendship. Laura told Mac it was always a pleasure to see him. Inside, she sat with Nikolas and Liz and gave Liz the news that the results from the photo shoot would be ready so (
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