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General Hospital
Précédent  38x22 Suivant
01.31.01 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 31/01/2001
Preview: A.J. kisses an unresisting Hannah. Recap: Nikolas teased Gia about her modeling fantasy, but told her that she really looked like she knew what she was doing. He grabbed her and started dancing with her and when they almost kissed, both pulled away. Liz asked Lucky to give her some time to paint and calm down about the photo shoot. She promised to meet him at Kelly's later on. Once he was gone, she told Jason how much she hated lying to Lucky, but she agreed to let Jason hide out in her studio. Ned walked in on Taggert and Alexis talking about Zander's case and asked Alexis for a moment to talk. He accused her of being obsessed with her work to the exclusion of all else--including him. She countered by saying that he wanted her to sacrifice herself just to make him happy. They agreed that though they loved each other, they were at an impasse. When Alexis refused to compromise any further, Ned said that he wouldn't either and maybe they should end their relationship once and fo (
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