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General Hospital
Précédent  38x19 Suivant
01.26.01 - Friday
Diffusé le : 26/01/2001
Preview:Sonny dreams that Carly is killed. Recap:Taggert was surprised to learn that Mac was involving Felicia in police business after the mayor's warning to keep her out. Felicia recognized that Taggert was just trying to be a friend to Mac, but Mac assured Taggert that Felicia was an asset that they needed on their team. Felicia couldn't hide her joy when she received a call from Luke and Mac wasn't fazed by the call at all. Stefan pleaded with Nikolas to try and understand his motives, but Nikolas just accused him of being selfish and destructive. Chloe overheard their conversation and asked to speak to Stefan alone. She told him that Nikolas was too smart to fall for Stefan's lies anymore and so was she. She zinged Stefan when she told him that he would just end up bitter and alone. Chloe had a much more pleasant conversation with Ned until their talk turned to Alexis. Ned was initially remaining firm about not caving and forcing Alexis to come to him. When Chloe reminded him of t (
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