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General Hospital
Précédent  38x16 Suivant
01.23.01 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 23/01/2001
Preview:Sonny and Carly reaffirm their love for each other. Recap:Stefan blamed Helena for his troubles with Nikolas. Helena countered that Stefan was the one at fault, she was only trying to make Nikolas see the truth. She said that she wanted her grandson back and she didn't care what she had to do to have him. Helena relished her triumph over Stefan and knew that he would never truly retaliate against her because he loved her. Nikolas and Gia denied their feelings for each other and promised never to kiss again. The awkwardness between them dissipated when they discussed what Nikolas was going to do about Stefan. Nikolas felt that he had let Stefan play him for a fool one too many times and he was ready to just cut his Stefan out of his life. Carly needed reassurance from Sonny that nothing was going to happen to him. She was terrified of losing him for good. Sonny told her that she was the reason he was alive and he had no plans to leave her. Making him promise not to move too much (
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