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General Hospital
Précédent  38x13 Suivant
01.18.01 - Thursday
Diffusé le : 18/01/2001
Preview:A.J. provided a voice of reason for the Quartermaines. Recap:Felicia gathered the girls to help celebrate Mac's birthday with him. In addition to a special breakfast and dinner, they planned a day on the ski slopes. Mac thanked Felicia for planning everything and she reminded him that he was her best friend and she always wanted him in her life. Ned was at the mansion when the Quartermaines got the call from St. Catherine's that Emily had run away from boarding school. Ned was horrified and admitted to them that Zander had skipped town. Edward and Alan were in a panic and Edward called the police. While waiting to talk to the Quartermaines, Taggert and Hannah discussed their relationship and Hannah was surprised when Taggert was understanding and compassionate about Emily and Zander's situation. Chloe ran to tell A.J. who showed up and provided the only voice of reason. He suggested that Emily hadn't been abducted by Zander, he figured she had run away because her family hadn't (
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