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General Hospital
Précédent  38x11 Suivant
01.16.01 - Tuesday
Diffusé le : 16/01/2001
Preview:Carly attacks Sorel! Recap:Felicia covered for Bobbie and told Roy that she thought she remembered Bobbie telling her about the medical conference. Felicia and Roy had a long conversation about he and Bobbie's relationship and how his past had affected it. He told Felicia that his life as a double agent had cost him many of his personal relationships, including his love for Bobbie. Meanwhile, Bobbie was in Chicago trying to find Melissa's testimony against Roy. Using subtle flattery and charm, Bobbie convinced the clerk to let her look through the files for the testimony. She finally found it and read a portion where Melissa stated that Roy had lied to her that he loved her in order to get to her brother. Helena tried to convince Alexis to stand with her against Stefan. Though Alexis agreed that Stefan's actions were reprehensible, she told Helena that under no circumstances would she ever side with Helena because of how dangerous and murderous Helena was. Alexis's calm demeano (
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