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General Hospital
Précédent  38x10 Suivant
01.15.01 - Monday
Diffusé le : 15/01/2001
Preview:Zander asks for Sonny's help. Recap:Zander visited Sonny to thank him for all of his help and to ask him for a loan. He said he wanted to rent a room at Kelly's so that he could give Ned and Alexis their privacy. At Kelly's, instead of asking about a room, he asked Liz to give Emily the message to stay where she was. Later, he took money from Alexis's wallet and left her a note before leaving. Bobbie went to Chicago to look at the case files on Melissa and Leo. Back in Port Charles, Felicia asked Roy where Bobbie was and he told her that he thought she knew that Bobbie was at a nursing convention. Stefan asked Alexis if she would agree not to tell Nikolas the truth about Stefan's misdeeds. Alexis refused to lie for him anymore and told him that either he told Nikolas or she would. Ned comforted Alexis when she moaned about her twisted family. He assured her that she was nothing like the rest of them and told her she was the love of his life. After Gia had to hide when Stefan ca (
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