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General Hospital
Précédent  37x123 Suivant
06.21.00 - Wednesday
Diffusé le : 21/06/2000
As the Nurses' Ball continues, Nikolas thanks everyone at the fundraiser on behalf of his "late" uncle. Backstage, an excited Lucy confides to Kevin how Scott phoned from South America to say he was on his way home. Marcus and Hannah find themselves inexplicably seated at the Quartermaines' table. Meanwhile, Sonny escorts Carly to Roy and Bobbie's table down front. Watching A.J. laughing with Hannah, Carly clutches her gun-laden purse and waits for the right moment in which to make her move. Robin is unpleasantly surprised to discover that Carly and Sonny now seem to be a couple. Lucky puts in an appearance at the ball just in time to see Elizabeth perform a musical number with Juan and Emily. Later, "Eddie Maine" takes the stage. Presented with a special award after Sonny makes a large donation in her name, Carly chokes back tears as she reminds the audience how defenseless babies and children really are. A wary Nikolas and Elizabeth watch Lucky fawning over Helena. Carly trails A.J. (
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