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Kaleido Star
Précédent  1x09 Suivant
My Amazing Challenge For the Lead Role
Diffusé le : 29/05/2003
Kaleido Stage is presenting a new stage production, The Little Mermaid. Kaleido Stage featured this theme before, and a sponsor, Mr. Kenneth, wants someone other than Layla featured for the lead role. At the audition, Sora becomes the only candidate. On the same day, Sora makes an attempt at the featured trick: a trapeze triple somersault jump through flowing water. Her attempt fails, and she is rendered injured and fearful of falling. Consulting Fool, Sora must conquer this fear, or she will lose her ability to see Fool. So with the help of Ken and a martial arts specialist, she gradually works to restore her confidence. Still fearful, she makes one more attempt at the stunt per Kalos's remarks. For her attempt, she uses a blindfold and executes it successfully, despite almost falling again. (
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