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Junjou Romantica
Précédent  2x07 Suivant
Life Often Bring Misfortune in Times of Great Happiness
Diffusé le : 23/11/2008
Misaki is making breakfast, and complaining about Usagi's toys spread out around the house. Usagi says to him that "maybe it's best for you to live on your own", confusing Misaki. At the train station, Misaki meets an old man that doesn't seem to have ridden a train before. Misaki offers to walk with him. When they are on the train, the old man notices that Misaki has a wooden carved bear with 3 salmon. Misaki says that he can have it because he has 2 more at home. The old man gives Misaki a ducky (for the bathtub), and said that he has plenty more ducks at home because he wants to build up his relationship with his son. When they have arrived, the old man gets a phone call from his company that a car is waiting for him. Then they meet Usagi’s brother and Misaki learns that the old man is Usagi's father. When Misaki comes home, Usagi hurts his finger by pouring coffee into a mug that is not heat resistant, shattering it. Usagi heads back to his work room and Misaki debates telling him that he met his father, but can't do it. Making an excuse to stay in Usagi's room, Misaki tells Usagi that he has been acting weird lately and asks if he has something to say. Both of them stay quiet and Misaki thinks about what Usagi’s father said and that he hasn't actually said, even once, that he loves Usagi. Usagi leaves, but Misaki stops him and tried to say "I love you" but fails as tears pour down his face. Usagi tells him that his attempt really makes him happy and suddenly carries him to their bedroom, because he "understood his true feelings". He tosses him next to the room and tells Misaki to lick his finger to smoothen the scar. They kiss and Usagi says in a whisper again and again that he loves him. (
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