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Killing Bites
Précédent  1x09 Suivant
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Diffusé le : 10/03/2018
Yuya thinks about how his life was empty until he met Hitomi. Hitomi takes several hits from Taiga waiting for the best time to counterattack. Ui arrives to warn Hitomi about Kido, not realising Taiga is behind her. As she flees she is caught by Kaori’s pheromones and collapses. Yuya is mocked by the investors for killing Hitomi with his playing style but overcomes his fear by focusing on his friendship with Hitomi and decides to forgo his turn to move Hitomi elsewhere, allowing her to continue fighting Taiga. Hitomi almost manages to counter Taiga’s next attack but is suddenly attacked by Kido’s transformed tail, covered in heavy protective scales. Yuya realizes Yoko emotionally manipulated him into keeping Hitomi in the fight so Kido, who she had likewise emotionally manipulated into hating Hitomi, could kill her. Despite being overwhelmed with lust Ui manages to trick Kaori into falling into one of her tunnels. Hitomi attempts to fight back but cannot cut Kido’s armored skin. As Kido is about to kill Hitomi he is attacked from behind by Taiga, but even he cannot cut Kido’s skin. Everyone is shocked as Kido fully transforms, covering his entire body in thick scale armor, revealing himself as a Pangolin hybrid. (
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