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Queer Eye
(Queer Eye for the Straight Guy)
Précédent  1x19 Suivant
Compose Yourself: Warren L.
Diffusé le : 02/03/2004
Warren is a musical theater composer,and he's STRAIGHT! anyway,This former Oklahoma baby faced boy has come to make it big in the big apple. Problems:He bites his nails, his clothes make him look younger,all of his food has something growing on it,his apartment is one of Thom's nightmares.So Carson shows him that dark colors look good on him and give him some things to make look him more adult.Jai checks out the space of the theater and gives Warren some feedback cards.Kyan gets Warren a manicure and a massage.Ted shows him to tastefully display cheese and crackers.Finally Thom toned down the apartment and made it more organized.The prep is worrisome as Warren oddly skips the usual shower,but he does wash up a little and puts on the anti biting stuff,he then gets dressed and then goes into the kitchen to do the food.With some creative techniques he gets it prepared and then drops some crackers on the floor. After his roommate and girlfriend come and admire everything they leave for the (
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