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Static Shock
(Static Choc)
 0x01 Suivant
Prise de conscience
Diffusé le : 05/04/2003
Static stops some metahumans with Rubberband Man's help but he tells Static that he shows off too much for the crowd instead of catching the criminals. Static doesn't listen and says he doesn't need his help. While taking Daisy to a movie, Puff and Onyx rob the theater and Virgil changes into Static to stop them. He slows them down and he could have stopped them but when he sees Daisy watching him he shows off again. Puff uses her powers to bring down parts of the walls and some debris hits Daisy. Daisy winds up in the hospital with a concussion and Virgil blames himself, even though her parents and his family tell him it wasn't his fault. Angry at himself Static uses his powers to blast a junkyard. Richie wants to talk to him about Daisy, but Virgil ignores him and wants to be by himself. When he learns where Puff and Onyx usually hang out he goes to the pool hall and uses his powers to scare everyone there. He has one person pinned to the wall ready to tell everything, when R (
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