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She-Ra: Princess of Power
(She-Ra, la princesse du pouvoir)
Précédent  1x26 Suivant
Book Burning
Diffusé le : 11/10/1985
Adora and Bow visit a school in Northland, to tell the children how Etheria was a peaceful place before the Horde invaded it and took over. One boy, Corey, accuses them of lying, believing that the Horde are a peaceful government and the planet's rightful rulers. Just then, Northland is invaded by the Horde themselves, who steal all the school's books for a book burning ceremony, with the intention of replacing them with books depicting the Horde as the rightful rulers of Etheria. Hordak also appoints Tung Lashor as a new teacher for the school. As books are burned in the town square, and the Horde do all they can to ensure the schools teach pro-Horde views, She-Ra must do all she can to stop them, before the Horde's propaganda can corrupt the minds of the children. (
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