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She-Ra: Princess of Power
(She-Ra, la princesse du pouvoir)
Précédent  1x05 Suivant
Battle for Bright Moon
Diffusé le : 13/09/1985
As Princess Adora is being reunited with her parents, Hordak and Skeletor sneak into the palace and capture her, taking her to Snake Mountain. But when they reach Snake Mountain, Skeletor's men throw Hordak through the time portal back to Etheria, so Skeletor can take Adora for himself. He-Man goes with Man-At-Arms and Teela to rescue Adora, but He-Man finds that Adora has already rescued herself- as She-Ra. After wishing goodbye to her parents, Adora returns to Etheria to help the Rebellion, and He-Man follows her, to help to give her a start. (
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