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She-Ra: Princess of Power
(She-Ra, la princesse du pouvoir)
Précédent  1x03 Suivant
She-Ra Unchained
Diffusé le : 11/09/1985
He-Man has been rescued from Beast Island by his friends, but soon sets out back to the Fright Zone, to find Force Captain Adora and see if she has learned the truth about the Horde. At Doom Tower, Hordak has created a machine called the Magna Beam, which can drain the energy of his rebel captives. Adora, who is being prevented from turning against the Horde by Shadow Weaver's magic, is complying with his scheme. He-Man manages to sneak into Doom Tower, but when he finds Adora she arrests him, and Hordak imprisons him in the Magna Beam. However, overnight Adora's sleep is interrupted by telepathic communication from The Sorceress, who reveals to her that she was stolen from her parents as a baby by the Horde, who brought her up to follow their evil ways. And not only that, but He-Man is her (
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