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Fear Factor
Précédent  3x22 Suivant
Helicopter Slalom; Piercing; Maggoty Cheese; Flag Snag
Diffusé le : 03/03/2003
This was an extended 4-stunt episode. Stunt #1: Helicopter Slalom Contestants would have to hang by their ankles from trapeze hanging from a helicopter. As the helicopter flew over a line of 20 flagpoles, contestants would have to release as many flags as possible. The two men and the two women who got the most flags would advance to the next round. The others would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Piercing Contestants would be strapped into a chair and their arms would be pierced by 10 needles which would get progressively thicker. All contestants who could stand the insertion and withdrawal of each needle without quitting or passing out would advance to the next round. Stunt #3: Maggoty Cheese Contestants would have 10 minutes to consume 4 ounces stinky cheese crawling with maggots. The contestant to consume their maggoty cheese the slowest would be eliminated. Stunt #4: Flag Snag Contestants would have to shimmy out to the end of horizontal pole 10 stories high, grab a flag, an (
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