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(C. B. Strike)
Précédent  3x02 Suivant
Épisode supprimé
Diffusé le : 04/03/2018
Robin arrives at the office to accept a package from a courier in a rush. When she opens it she is horrified to discover a severed leg inside. Strike (Tom Burke) begins to pull together a list of potential suspects from his past, all of whom have vendettas against him. One of the names, Jeff Whittaker, relates directly to Strike's dead mother Leda. He brings in Shanker to help him, while Robin begins to research all three suspects. Strike and Robin's close working relationship begins to rile Robin's fiancé Matthew, and the couple descend into rows. Adding pressure to the relationship, the investigation takes Robin away to Barrow-in-Furness with Strike overnight. (
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Dernière modification manuelle de cette fiche épisode le 05/03/2018 à 08:08 par Caféine - Historique des modifications