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(Alerte à Malibu)
Précédent  9x19 Suivant
Le fils prodigue
Diffusé le : 26/04/1999
Mitch arrives home with his date Carrie, only to find Hobie with his date Kate in the couch. Mitch doesn't expect this and tells Hobie that he and his date has to leave or double date with him and Carrie. During their argument, Carrie and Kate decide to leave instead. After this incident, Hobie decides that it's time to move out. He wants to movie in with J.B. and Connor, but their landlord only allows two people to live there. Then Neely offers him to stay at her place if he helps her take care of Neely. This makes Mitch furious because he and Neely is not the best of friends. But Hobie has made up his mind and there's nothing Mitch can do about it. Later Hobie stops a car-thief after a big chase and some assistance from Alex. Meanwhile, Alex is going to her grandma for her 93rd birthday. On her way there while she is riding her bicycle, a man on a motorcycle brushes by her. The motorcycle man later crashes through the guardrail while trying to avoid an accident. He is picked up by tw (
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