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(Alerte à Malibu)
Précédent  6x08 Suivant
Zéro de conduite
Diffusé le : 18/11/1995
From headquarters, Caroline sees that the local surfers are getting territorial again. When Mitch is forced to make a rescue, the locals and the victim's friend end up in a fight, but Logan breaks up the fight. Logan is still pursuing his business venture of Aussie swimwear and he has an important meeting with a major clothing manufacturer. But since his car is with a mechanic, he has to borrow one of the other lifeguards' cars. No one is willing to let Logan borrow their car, but Logan takes Cody's car without permission, when he has found out from Newmie that Cody is on a 24-hour-shift. Unfortunately for Logan, he gets involved in a collision which injures a pregnant woman. Logan quickly gets out of his car and tries to rescue the victim. When the police arrive, he tells them that the driver took off and that he saw the whole thing from the beach. The next morning, the police arrive at headquarters in order to take Cody down to the station. When he is about to leave for the police st (
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