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So You Think You Can Dance
Précédent  2x13 Suivant
Top 14 Results
Diffusé le : 06/07/2006
The remaining 14 dancers performed an opening number choreographed by Mary Murphy and set to "Footloose." Next, we saw backstage and recap footage from last week and then Cat revealed which couples were put up for elimination.The first group of couples was: Natalie and Musa who were safe, and Donyelle and Benji who were also safe.The second group brought forward was: Martha and Travis who were safe, Heidi and Ryan who were not safe, and Jessica and Jaymz who were not safe.The third group brought forward was: Ashlee and Dmitry who were safe, and Allison and Ivan who were not safe.Each dancer in the eliminated couples performed a solo of their choice for the judges.While the judges took a break to decide which contestants should go home, Ne-Yo performed.When the judges returned, they announced who they decided to send home. (
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