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Diabolik Lovers
Précédent  2x09 Suivant
Episode 9
Diffusé le : 19/11/2015
When Yui Komori wakes up in her room, there is a Sakamaki light in front of her, and she is forcibly sucked blood. She says that Wright, who sucked blood, changed Yui, and she tries to suck blood again, but Rage appears there and orders Yui to come to the living room. When she heads to the living room, she is asked by Rage about the four ungodly brothers, and Yui tells Rage what she knows. After talking, Rage looks like he realizes something. After that, Rage told the six Sakamaki brothers in the living room that the next full moon day-the lunar eclipse that appears in the demon world and the human world at the same time-will make the vampires extremely weak. She warns Ayato that she doesn't have to worry about Shu not to look sweet. Yui thinks she might know something about Eve by asking Rage, and she visits his room. Rage answered her question that she didn't need to know, and she sucked blood on Yui ... (
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