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Devil Survivor 2 the animation
(Devil Survivor 2: The Animation)
Précédent  1x08 Suivant
Wednesday of Transformations - II
Diffusé le : 23/05/2013
Hibiki and the rest of the summoners fights against Megrez that have appeared simultaneously in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya. However, Megrez will continuously revived unless the three main bodies are defeated at the same time. As the battle starts, Hibiki and Io summons their demons, along with Hinako who uses Berserker to avenge Keita's death, while Yamato uses his power that increased by the Ryumyaku tower and his demon Baal to stop Megrez' movement until the right moment. During the battle, Hibiki and Io received Ronaldo, Joe, and Otome's death clip that shows them died by Megrez' attack. Hibiki immediately tells Ronaldo to escape, but Ronaldo, Joe, and Otome decides to keep fighting since there are no summoners other than them that can defeat Megrez and resolves to avoid their fate like Hibiki does yesterday. As Megrez comes closer to the tower, Airi, who is enraged that the town where she shares her memories with her family and friends destroyed, summoned new demon, Lorelei, and stops Megrez' movements. After much effort, Hibiki, Yamato, and Ronaldo are able to land an ending blow to the three cores of Megrez at the same time, defeating it. But just before the Septentrion in Nagoya disappears, it uses the last of its strength to launch a final attack on the summoners. Airi and Jungo manage to survive the attack, however, Ronaldo, Otome, and Joe are killed in the blast, leaving everyone, especially Airi, Hibiki, and Io, devastated. As they tries to cope with the devastating loss, Hibiki is approached by Alcor who reveals that he is a Septentrion who works for a being known as Polaris, the cause of the world's destruction. Alcor proceeds to explain that he created the demon summoning app in order to give humans a chance of survival against Polaris's plan to strike judgement on humans by ending their existence. But hope seems lost as the world is slowly disintegrating into the Void. (
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