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Jamie Johnson
Précédent  1x03 Suivant
Diffusé le : 08/06/2016
Eleven-year-old Jamie Johnson is a seriously gifted footballer capable of going all the way, but after his dad recently walked out on them Jamie and his mum were forced to move house. Reeling from the revelation that his dad has another family, Jamie eventually finds his way home to face the music and is forced to admit to Mike that he stole his money. Jack and Boggie try to help Jamie deal with Hansard, while Jack persuades Jamie that an apology would help and Boggie uses his guile to cement Jamie's second chance. When the truth comes out about why his dad really left, Jamie lashes out, threatening to ruin everything all over again. But a selfless act on the pitch shows Hansard what Jamie's really made of, and out of it comes a prize beyond Jamie's wildest dreams. (
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