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(Super Baloo)
Précédent  1x17 Suivant
Bas de laine contre une baleine
Diffusé le : 26/09/1990
Baloo shows Kit his secret stash of cash he's saving up to buy back the Sea Duck. Then they go out to sea to fish and relax. When their bait of fish and peanut butter sinks in the water, it attracts a whale. After befriending it, Baloo and Kit head back to Higher For Hire. There, they find out there's a reward for the capture and return of the whale they found earlier. They contact Seymore of 'Seymore's See More Seaquarium' and the owner of Moby Dimple, the whale. But after they return the whale, they find that Seymore mistreats all his animals. When they call an inspector on him, he has all the angles covered to pass inspection. When their offer to buy the whale back with the Sea Duck money is turned down, Baloo and Kit decide that it's up to them to free Dimples by their own means. (
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