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Un churumbel, una lobotomía romántica y una brutal gore experience
Diffusé le : 04/05/2015
Javi and Lola want to regain her love life and will dine alone while trying to consolidate their relationship. During this special evening, the actress entrusted to his representative Mario Vaquerizo care of your child. The artist shall babysitting her daughter displayed. Meanwhile, the men of Mirador de Montepinar, led by Enrique Pastor, decide to go to a small town to celebrate the bachelor party of Antonio Recio in a rural setting, where they reunited with Sergeant Torres, command of the Civil Guard who led the operation search for Cuquis. Moreover, girls are forced to improvise a hen to Berta, an event that just want to spend money. Moreover, Lola and Javi have to put up with Chusa, determined to become a mother at all costs as part of the process of reintegration into society. (
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