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Dirty Little Secrets
Diffusé le : 28/09/2004
Chris convinces a young prostitute to give her information about a blackmail scam at a brothel. The client she names refuses to talk, and then the prostitute is found with her tongue cut out. Angie goes undercover in the brothel as a cleaner, and is surprised to discover that Reg Masters sees a dominatrix who works there. A mortified Masters agrees to go in wired and use his relationship to set up a cocaine buy with the owner, who is none other than Steve Wylie. Wylie is brought down, which leads Harris to consider the recent events surrounding the death of Wylie's brother, who undercover believed to be a major player in the criminal world. Harris enlists Angie's help to investigate his theory that Megan Walsh is corrupt. Church refuses to consider the possibility, and it soon becomes clear why – he and Megan are lovers. Harris is forced to offer proof of Megan's treachery – she slept with him for information. (
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