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Doctor in the House
Précédent  2x06 Suivant
Put Your Hand on That
Diffusé le : 15/05/1970
Prof. Loftus wants Mike to assist him with an operation. Mike is keeping his distance from the table, feels sick & leaves the operating theatre. Later Mike is watching the TV & falls asleep. He's having a dream which soon turns into a nightmare about having to operate & Prof. Loftus is in his dream shouting at him,he feints again. Duncan wakes him & tells him they have been chosen by Loftus for two weeks residency together. During an operation, Loftus asks Duncan where Upton is. Duncan tells him he's been covering for him because Mike feels ill at the mention of an operation. Loftus has a plan to cure Mike of his problem. Dick Stuart-Clark asks Mike if he's seen Duncan, Mike says he's in surgery covering for me. The phone rings, Dick tells Mike that Duncan fell on his scalpel & Loftus needs Mike to assist him to repair the injury. When Mike scrubs up, he assists Loftus who tells him as a young Doctor he had a similar problem to Mike's. Mike asks Loftus if Duncan will be allright, Dunca (
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