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Coronation Street
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8 March 1991
Diffusé le : 08/03/1991
Alec, deeply stung by Phil's having dumped him from the nightclub plan, is imagining all sorts of things - but mainly that Deirdre, as Phil's girlfriend, is not going to oppose the club in the Council. So Alec decides to get Alf to run again in the upcoming election, against Deirdre. Jim finally learns that Andy is running a book at school, on the FA finals. He's relieved and even pleased, but Liz isn't. Des imagines that by loudly and publicly talking of Steph's ski-holiday plans that he will shame her into abandoning it. But it doesn't look like his plan is working when she models her new £400-plus ski outfit for him. As the local Miss Bettabuy, Raquel is to travel to compete for the regional title in Buxton and - in a jealous mood concerning Angie - asks Curly to come with her. (
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