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Coronation Street
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Fri 13 May, 2005
Diffusé le : 13/05/2005
It's a very sad day in the Platt household when David goes to feed Barney the rabbit only to find him stone cold . . . it turns out he passed away in the night. Later, David is surprised when it appears someone or something has stolen Barney's body. But the mystery is soon solved when Keith comes round from next door having mounted Barney's stuffed body on a board. Everyone seems to see the funny side except for David . . . Meanwhile, Candice announces that she's got a new job, Mel confesses that he broke one of Emily's figurines and Charlie tells Shelley that she can't do anything right when she tries to talk Dev out of going to the police . . . Also, Sally is confused when Kevin keeps giving her the cold shoulder. She decides to confront him about it. He tells her what Ian really told him the other night - Sally acts outraged but Kevin can see right through it and tells Sally that he believes Ian! When Rosie and Sophie hear their parents fighting downstairs they jump to their mum's (
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