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Robin of Sherwood
Précédent  1x02 Suivant
Robin Hood and the Sorcerer (2)
Diffusé le : 28/04/1984
The Sheriff and his brother , the Abbot, upset over the activities of Robin and his men arrange a fayre, including an archery contest, in the Castle. He offers the Silver Arrow of Herne to whomever wins the contest, something he is sure will tempt Robin out of the forest and into his grasp. After this fails to end up with Robin's capture their last resort is the Sorcerer, Simon De Belleme, a worshipper of the dark arts, who wants Maid Marian as his bride. He agrees to use his sorceropus powers to capture, or kill, the men of Sherwood Forest as long as the Sheriif and the Abbot promise Marian to him. (
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