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It Couldn't Happen Here
Diffusé le : 06/06/1991
Firebrand Labour leader Michael Murray is swept into office on a tide of rhetoric. His first act is to "reform education", but it looks suspiciously like a personal vendetta against Mr. Weller, the headmaster who had once sent him, as a boy, to a special school for disturbed children. When Murray is summoned by the renowned political theorist, Mervyn Sloan, he is told that great things are expected of him. But Sloan also firmly insists that a general strike be called in Murray's city to challenge the Conservative Government. When one of Murray's council members, who has a weakness for the bottle, fails to ensure pickets are sent to one particular school, a disastrous conflict ensues between Murray and Jim Nelson, who is unfortunately headmaster of a school for special needs children. (
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