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Phoenix Nights
Précédent  2x02 Suivant
Family Fun Day
Diffusé le : 15/08/2002
The Phoenix Club hosts a family fun day in the car park in order to raise the funds to reopen the club. Brian is annoyed that the bouncy castle he ordered has male genitalia hanging off the front of it, but it is transformed into Sammy the snake [a green sheet is thrown over it and it has ""layed two snake's eggs.""] Brin then reveals to Jerry his big pink paradise- a portable toilet with pennny chews in the condom machine and a ball pool made out of some scaffolding covered in bubble wrap and some old footballs from the roof. Jerry is not impressed, especially when he has to dress up as a giant red berry. Some children roll Jerry around in his costume after his opening number, while a friend of Ray Von's paints Young Kenny's face with spray paint. At the end, some mischevious children raise the pressure on the bouncy castle, lifting up the giant inflatable penis , which then exploded, leaving fifteen people with rubber burns that needed treatment in hospital. (
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