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The Pallisers
Précédent  1x19 Suivant
Phineas Redux (5)
Diffusé le : 25/05/1974
Mr Chaffanbrass begins his defense of Finn by showing that there was another who had a stronger motive for murder, and by pointing out that no one saw who actually committed the murder. Mr Monk and Plantagenet stand as character witnesses. The prosecution manages to slander Finn the Irish and many others in its summing up. In the time honored tradition of courtroom drama, Marie shows up at the last moment with a man who is able to prove that Emilius had made a key that would allow him to leave his boarding house without being seen. When Peter Praska recognizes Emilius the trial is brought to a close and Finn is totally exonerated. The trial has come close to unhinging Phineas. It is Plantagenet who brings him back to his senses. Finn's return to Parliament is a triumph. He, at last, realizes just how special Marie's love for him is. This, inevitably, leads to an ugly scene with Laura. Glencora finds a way, with Marie's help, to assist in getting Adelaide and Gerard married. (
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