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The Pallisers
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Phineas Redux (1)
Diffusé le : 27/04/1974
Despite Barrington's warning Phineas does go to see both Kennedy's. Robert is crazed with religion and Laura, we come to learn, is a bit obsessed with Phineas. As the Duke of Omnium declines Lady Hartletop pays a visit. This confirms something that was only hinted at in episode one. The disestablishment of the church is the latest political hot potato. The Liberals support it, though slowly, but the Conservatives decide to push the issue. Mr Kennedy goes to the 'People's Banner' to bring his conflict with Laura out into the open. He is now prepared to lie, and do worse in his need to force Laura back to him.. Lizzie finds that Emilius is absolutely the wrong choice for her. The Duke passes peacefully with Marie at his side. This is a bit of a disaster for Plantagenet as his ascendancy to the dukedom means that he must give up his beloved post as the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Duke has left Marie all his jewels and 20,000 pounds. She insists that she only wants one small (
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