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Holby City
Précédent  5x11 Suivant
Sinners and Saints
Diffusé le : 17/12/2002
Chrissie Williams and Kath Shaughnessy show their engagement rings to the other staff. Kath is busy trying to arrange the wedding for as soon as possible. An old flame of Tom Campbell-Gore arrives with er husband who needs a major heart operation. Dispite Tom's best efforts and two sessions of surgery he does not survive. Kath is torn because her catholic faith will not allow a second marriage and is upset because the new and very strict chaplain Father Sankar will not bless the marriage. Mubbs Hussein runs the staff chrismas raffle, the top prize of £250 is won by Sandy Harper, a bottle of whiskey is won by Tom Campbell-Gore, who is an alcoholic. Sandy realizes that her new boyfriend Sean who's intentions over his Grandmother Minnie are financial, and he is not the wonderful person she thought he was. (
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