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Living Single
Précédent  4x24 Suivant
Never Can Say Goodbye
Diffusé le : 08/05/1997
As the girls reminisce in Synclaire's room the night before the wedding, a drunken Regine laments the fact that she hasn't been able to find a man. After Regine staggers off to bed, Max announces her intention to go buy some beer; but Khadijah and Synclaire are well aware of what she really wants. A defensive Max refuses to admit that her relationship with Kyle is serious. She meets him on the fire escape, where he shares the news that he has been offered the chance to head up a new office in London. She pretends to be unmoved, and claims that she is considering a partnership in Philadelphia. The next day, Khadijah fears that she and Synclaire will grow apart after she is married, until her cousin reminds her that she will still be in the building. Overton feels the effects of going 24 hours without food and faints. Regine is depressed when Russell shows up with a beautiful woman; and Max makes her feel even worse when she tells her that she was seeing Kyle, and that only Regine didn't (
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